Unrestricted Donations - This is a simple way to give and allows NRV CARES to use your contribution to the maximum benefit for the broad needs of the agency. Click on "Donate" to donate easily and securely using a credit card through this website.
Designated Donations - You may choose a special use for your donation. Gifts can be designated for support of individual programs or for particular projects.
In-Kind Donations - Goods and services may be donated directly to NRV CARES. This is an excellent alternative way to support our agency's work. NRV CARES accepts new stuffed animals and books for children and teens that are given to the children we serve. To schedule your donation drop off, please call 540.381.8310 to set up an appointment.
Endowments - You may create an endowment through the financial institution of your choice naming NRV CARES as the beneficiary. NRV CARES recommends that you discuss this decision with a qualified professional.
Established Endowments - Contributions to the Nancy Moore and Thomas Murray Endowment Fund, established through the Community Foundation of the New River Valley, will provide continuing support to NRV CARES.
Other - Individuals may also create a lasting gift to NRV CARES through a variety of other ways. Please speak with your financial advisor or other professional for information regarding bequests, securities, life insurance, or other gift options.
Donations to NRV CARES are tax deductible as allowable by law. Checks may be made payable to NRV CARES, or click on the "Donate" link on this page to donate using a credit card. NRV CARES is a 501(c)3 organization.